Your Travel Advice

Top 5 Christmas Presents to Take on Holiday

Top Five by Panoramic Villas

If you still need to buy Christmas presents for your nearest and dearest why not buy them something that will come in handy when they jet off on holiday next year? We’ve got some great present ideas, whatever your budget…

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Your Travel Advice

Top Five Gadgets to Take Away with You

Top Five Gadgets to Take Away with You by Panoramic Villas

Going on holiday is an exciting time and choosing which of the latest gadgets to take with you on your next holiday can make a real difference. Luggage weight limits can be easily exceeded which will cost you extra and capturing your holiday photos and movies could be disappointing if you go ill prepared. Read our guide on the Top Five Gadgets to Take Away with You.

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Top 5: Travel Scams to Avoid

Top Five Travel Scams to Avoid by Panoramic Villas

Going on holiday should be stress-free and enjoyable. Unfortunately, some sneaky folk out there are all too keen to rip off holidaymakers so here is our guide to the top 5 travel scams to avoid.

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Top 5: Ways to Beat the Heat

Top Five Ways to Beat the Heat by Panoramic Villas

We all like to go on holiday to enjoy the good weather but sometimes the heat can get a bit too much (even for hardened sunworshippers!) If you are heading to the Costa del Sol this year here are our Top 5 tips on how to ‘beat the heat.’

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Top Five Free Travel Apps

Top Five Free Apps by Panoramic Villas

Mobile phones are now changing rapidly and offering more and more functions to make our life easier. With an ever increasing number of apps available we decided to give you the heads up on our Top Five Free Travel Apps to take on holiday, you might even find some of these apps useful when you get back home!

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